How the club is organised

The land on which the club stands belongs to the local residents and is leased to the club. Four Trustees look after the residents’ interests and ensure that the terms of the lease and the club’s constitution are adhered to.

The Management Committee
A Management Committee is elected each year by the membership at the AGM. This committee has overall responsibilty for the club and looks after finances, the bar, maintenance, insurance Health and Safety and all matters not directly connected with a sport. Day-to-day decisions are made by a Core Team consisting of the Officers of the Management Committee. The Core Team reports back to the Management Committee on a regular basis. The trustees are entited to attend all Managment Committee meetings.

The Sports Sections
Each sports section is responsible for organising matters associated with the sport in question.

The licensed bar
The bar is run by a salaried part-time bar manager and staff.

Can you help us?
All committee members are unpaid volunteers. If you would like to help the club, either as an elected member of a committee or in any other way, please let us know!

Formal policies, procedures and constitution

We try not to be too bureaucratic, but for the comfort, enjoyment and safety of all members – and to fulfil our legal and insurance responsibilities – it’s important that we enforce rules, policies and procedures. You’ll find, below, links to the specific policies we’ve adopted. Additional rules may apply to the individual sports sub-sections of the club.

Membership Terms and Conditions November 2019

Club Constitution Feb 2021

Complaints-Policy GTC March 2021

Code of conduct for parentscarers 2019

Code of conduct for junior members 2019

Code of conduct for adult members 2019

Equality and diversity policy

Safeguarding policy July 2024

LTA code of conduct for working with children in tennis

Recording and publishing images policy

Safe recruitment for tennis venues – guidance

Roles and responsibilities for volunteers

Health and Safety policy

Risk assessment January 2024

Sun safety code

In accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and UK data protection laws a new Privacy Policy was established to set out the way we process and use your personal data as a member of our venue.

The full policy can be downloaded here. If you have any questions regarding this policy please do not hesitate to get in touch with a committee member.

 Privacy Policy